Bible Journey Comic Style Children's Bible Story Books


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Journey through the Bible for Preteens.....


The Illustrated Bible Journey is designed to give its readers a deeper insight and understanding of the Bible, not as a substitute for the Bible, but as a bridge for preteen and older readers to lead them to take an interest in reading the Bible itself. 149 stories written carefully to adhere to the original Bible in a more contemporary language that is used today, make the Bible easy to understand. At the beginning of each volume, there is a chronological timeline of the stories being shared in that book. A few pages of background details, including dates, places, and context are thoughtfully added to each story to demonstrate that the Bible is not a collection of fables, but a genuinely historical canon of events. Scripture references for the Bible stories appear on each and every page. As your child journeys through the Bible in an illustrated way that brings the Bible stories imaginatively to life as the artist intended, they cannot help but be inspired with a deeper love and appreciation for the word of God. Encourages quiet time and reading with pictures that tell the real story.. the most extraordinary story ever told!  

*Graphically illustrated depictions of human altercations as revealed in the Bible may upset younger children. Age appropriate for 10 and up. 


Book 1: The First Patriarchs 

1. Creation                                                             7. Sodom & Gomorrah

2. Adam & Eve                                                       8. Isaac

3. Cain & Abel                                                        9. Rebekah

4. The Ark of Noah                                               10. Jacob

5. The Tower of Babel                                           11. Jacob's Dream

6. Abraham                                                            12. Rachel


Book 2: Hebrew Heroes in Egypt 


1. Jacob Returns                                                     5. The Childhood of Moses

2. Joseph                                                                 6. Moses Runs Away

3. Pharoah's Dream                                                7. A Tree on Fire

4. Joseph's Brothers                                               8. Moses & Pharoah

                                                                                 9. Plagues in Egypt


Book 3: The Great Exodus


1. The Glorious Exodus                                          5. Leviticus

2. In the Desert                                                       6. Numbers

3. The Decalogue                                                    7. The Land of Milk & Honey

4. The Golden Calf                                                  8. The Promised Land


Book 4: Entering the Land of Canaan


1. Balaam and His Donkey                                    6. Deborah

2. The Death of Moses                                           7. The Trumpet of Gideon

3. The Conquest of Canaan                                   8. Achievement of Promise

4. Achievement of Promise                                   9. Jephthah and His Daughter

5. Ehud                                                                   10. Samson


                   Book 5: Birth of the Kingdom

1.  Samson's Revenge                                             5. David

2. Ruth                                                                     6. David & Goliath

3. Samuel                                                                 7. David, a Fugitive

4. Saul, the First King

BOOK 6: The Glorious Kingdom

1. Saul & David                                                        3. Kings of Israel 

2. David, the King                                                    4. Elijah   

3.  Solomon, Wise King

BOOK 7: Prophets & Divided Kingdom

1. Elijah                                                                     4. Jonah

2. Elijah Taken to Heaven                                        5. Amos

3. Elisha                                                                     6. Hosea   

BOOK 8: Destruction & the Captivity 

1. Hosea                                                                     3. Ezekiel

2. Isaiah                                                                      4. Daniel

3. Jeremiah   

BOOK 9: Return from the Captivity 

1. Daniel                                                                   6. The Other Prophets

2. Ezra                                                                       7. Psalms

3. Nehemiah                                                             8. Proverbs

4. Esther                                                                    9. The Book of Ecclesiastes,

5. Job                                                                             The Song of Solomon


BOOK 10: The Messiah Is Born

Chapter One: The Birth of Jesus
Chapter Two: Before His Public Service
Chapter Three: Preaching the Gospel of the Heavenly Kingdom 

BOOK 11:

37 Stories of The Ministry of Jesus


BOOK 12:

43 Stories of The Apostles, At & After the Cross


ISBN 9788997275212

Product weight 18 lbs

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Bible Journey Comic Style Children's Bible Story Books
Bible Journey Comic Style Children's Bible Story Books
Bible Journey Comic Style Children's Bible Story Books
Bible Journey Comic Style Children's Bible Story Books
Bible Journey Comic Style Children's Bible Story Books

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