Mission Study Bible with EGW Commentary in 3 Colors
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Leather Bible Case is now available. Please scroll down to see more details.
Let the Mission EGW Study Bible reenergize your spirituality with deep insights, historical backgrounds, and meaningful introductions. You will love exploring the Bible in a new way every day exploring the most extensive Ellen G. White Study Bible ever published! Employing volume 7A of the SDA Bible Commentary, selected passages from the Conflict of Ages series, and various manuscripts, the Mission Study Bible contains over 2,700 quotations from the Spirit of Prophecy. This extensive body of inspired exegetical writings is collated throughout the Scriptures with relevant texts. In addition, other resources for study include a concordance, distinct reading maps, chronological tables and informational charts, as well as a scriptural index to the complete writings of Ellen White. The exhaustive index is a bridge to over 38,000 additional entries for individual verses. No other King James Version Bible offers such comprehensive access to inspired commentary.  The newest edition, building upon the first edition, has a robust array of study tools and comes with higher-opacity paper, an elegant flexible leatherette cover, and beautiful gilding. Featuring all the advanced study tools, comprehensive Bible studies to broaden your understanding of core Biblical principles, as well as extensive Bible concordance to aid in finding the references to your favorite verses, and extensive commentary, all wrapped up in a redesigned exterior, this is all that you ever wanted for the most rewarding study time. Comes in 3 attractive color options, and easy to read 10.5-point large font size.Â
Our Bibles have been in print since 1991. Our Bibles were the first Ellen G. White study Bible ever published; and, up to date, we have the most comprehensive Ellen G. White study Bible available. From our Spanish Bible to our Mission Study Bible they all have comments from 63 Ellen G. White books, the most any Bible can boast.
Ultra Durable Cover - A soft touch ultra-durable smooth, black, chestnut, or sapphire/silver cover allows for flexibility as well as durability.
Upgraded Binding - a Smith Sewn binding - the highest quality book binding available.
Gold Edge for Black and Chestnut, a Silver Edge for Blue/Silver.
3 Marker Double Satin Glossy Ribbons - Never lose your place again.
Large Print - 10.5 Bold Face- The Mission Study Bible features a larger print on not only the Bible text but also on the commentary.
Printed in Full Color
Text References -Â Many verses have references to other verses to point you to other relevant verses.
Words of Christ inRed
Introduction to Each Book - Title, Authorship, Historical Setting, Theme, and an Outline. Know the background and context of each book before you study.
Commentary by Ellen G. White -Â This Bible is saturated with additional commentary by Ellen G. White, more than 2,700 quotes from 63 books!
Additional Maps Explaining a Specific Prophet's Ministry
Additional Footnotes and Explanations -Â Further explanations are given in the shaded blue blocks at the bottom of the pages.
The Historic Period Between the Old and the New Testaments -Â Covering the period of 400 years between the two testaments, this 20-page, historic account with maps and diagrams, leads up to the time of the first advent of Christ.
Fourfold Gospel Narrative -Â This narrative places each of the four gospels in context.
Harmony of the Gospels -Â A comprehensive listing of each incident in the life of Christ is placed in chronological sequence to allow for a better understanding of how the gospels harmonize.
Parables and Their Interpretation -Â Each parable of Christ is listed with its harmony entry and the principles which Jesus wished to illustrate.
Miracles and the Purpose of the Miracles -Â Each miracle of Jesus is listed with its harmony entry and gives the principles illustrated by the miracle.
13 Full-Colour Maps Illustrating the Life and Ministry of Jesus - Follow Jesus from His birth through His ministry ending in Jerusalem. Â
10 Full-Colour Charts Illustrating the Time Lines of the Various Phases of the Ministry of Jesus
Basic Bible Studies, 12 Topics with Various Study Subheadings -Â Always have studies available should you be asked to explain the reason for the hope you have.
80 Page Concordance -Â One of the largest concordances ever in an easy-to-carry Bible.
Scripture Index to the Writings of Ellen G White -Â For further study of the writings of Ellen G White additional book references are given to help you gain more insights into texts in the Bible, providing access to 38,000 more entries!
Chronological Tables & Charts -Â Detailed information on so many aspects of our Christian faith.
Tables of Weights and Measures -Â Understand the terms for weights and measures.Â
Hebrew Months, Festivals, and Seasons.
Outline of the Sanctuary Service - Get to know the Sanctuary and its services to better understand Christ’s ministry on our behalf.
26 Full-Colour Maps from the Exodus to the Diaspora in the First Century.
Acid-Free pH 8.9 European PaperÂ
Color Bible Book Index Markers - Printed on the page edges themselves instead of sticking out from the book block, and seen by flipping through the Bible, these index markers will not tear delicate bible paper as index tabs can do! Blue index markers for the OT and Red index markers for the NT.
Defined Archaic Words in the footnotes
Onyx Edition - ISBN 9780996311311 Sapphire/Silver Edition - ISBN 9780996311380 Chestnut Edition - ISBN 9780996311366
Daniel & Revelation - Ellen G. White Commentary Set Vol 1 & 2
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Ellen G. White Commentary on Daniel & Revelation
This elegant, pebbled black and white hardcover 2022 edition of volumes 1 and 2 builds upon the original 1957, 1977, and 1980 copyrighted SDA Bible Commentary from Review & Herald with an additional practical perk – a comprehensive and exhaustively keyed-to-scripture verse-by-verse commentary on Daniel and Revelation synthesized from the published and unpublished writings of Ellen G. White! Moreover, the original SDA Bible commentary on Daniel and Revelation is provided in the form of footnotes.
The books of Daniel & Revelation have always been vital to the spiritual dynamics of the Seventh-Day Adventist church, and now every true Sabbath keeper can be thoroughly familiar with their message and also firmly grounded in them. Features an elegant redesigned hardcover binding while keeping the same content as the previous edition. Every facet of this EGW commentary encourages a deeper understanding of the books Daniel & Revelation.Â
NOTE: The material is exhaustive only in the sense that all the major E.G. White comments on key passages of Daniel and Revelation are represented. To keep the material within reasonable page limits, redundant comments were left out and the number of less profound statements was kept to a minimum. The effort was also exerted to conserve space by rounding off long statements which tended to be somewhat unrelated to the Biblical passage under consideration. Long statements were retained only when the context demanded it.Â
To compensate for Ellen White's meager commentary of Daniel 11, supplementary material has been included. Though not intended to be a dogmatic portrayal of the theological issues involved in that chapter, the Supplement is, nevertheless, designed to show what is now the trend of thinking among scholars and Bible teachers in Adventist schools and colleges all across North America, particularly with reference to the unfulfilled section of Daniel 11. The serious-minded reader would do well to spend ample time reflecting on those pages.Â
The SDA Bible Comments on Daniel & Revelation appearing as footnotes below the shaded line separators (     ) have also been synchronized with the Biblical passages. They were added with the thought that the knowledge of the historical and literary background of the Biblical text could greatly serve to augment the spiritual insight afforded by the Spirit of Prophecy. The section icon is found at the beginning of every group of topically related Spirit of Prophecy statements. Topically related comments are always prefaced with the same title (typed in CAPITALS) which are direct quotations from Scripture.Â
*Original SDA Commentary
*Ellen G. White Exhaustive Commentary
*King James Version
*The Book of Daniel in White Hardcover
*The Book of Revelation in Black Hardcover
*Extra Large, easy-to-read 12.5 font
*Hard Textured Pebble Covers
*Smyth-Sewn Book Block
*Footnote References
*Easy to Read Black Tab Marks for Chapter Headings
ISBN 9781734678369
Daniel - L 10" x W 7.5" x D 1.5", 448 pages Revelation - L 10" x W 7.5" x D 2", 830 pages
Academy Study Bible (Leatherette) EGW Hebrew & Greek Dict in 3 Colors
ASB-ONYX (Leatherette)
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The Academy Study Bible
An Independent Review
This is the ultimate study Bible with many thoughtful features that make it a great home study Bible. This LARGE PRINT Bible has wide 1-inch margins for easy note-taking. Â The pages are Smyth-sewn for a long life, also allowing the Bible to lie flat when the book is open.Â
This Bible features EGW Bible Commentary 7A, making it a great E.G. White study Bible, but that is only the beginning. It also includes a concordance, an exhaustive Ellen G. White Scripture index that takes you through the entire Bible, verse by verse, referencing even more of the inspired writings exhaustively so you can find additional information about each particular text. Basic Bible Studies, maps and charts, and Bible introductions are some more features that will enrich your knowledge and the quality of your study of the holy scriptures.
One of the most loved features of this EGW STUDY BIBLE is the Strong’s Hebrew and Greek Dictionary. Each original-language word is given an entry number in the dictionary of those words listed in the back of the concordance. These have become known as the "Strong's numbers." The main concordance lists each word that appears in the KJV Bible in alphabetical order with each verse in which it appears listed in order of its appearance in the Bible, with a snippet of the surrounding text (including the word in italics). Appearing to the right of scripture reference is the Strong's number. This allows the user of the concordance to look up the meaning of the original language word in the associated dictionary in the back, thereby showing how the original language word was translated into the English word in the KJV Bible.
Unlike other Biblical reference books, the purpose of Strong's Concordance is not to provide content or commentary about the Bible but to provide an index to the Bible. This allows the reader to find words where they appear in the Bible, and re-find a phrase or passage previously studied. It also lets the reader directly compare how the same word may be used elsewhere in the Bible. In this way, Strong's notes provide an independent check against translations and offer an opportunity for a greater, and more technically accurate, clear understanding of the text. *These coded Strong's words are best read with enhanced magnification. We recommend our dome magnifier for this purpose.
King James VersionÂ
SDA Bible Supplementary Commentary 7A- Ellen G. WhiteÂ
Two-tone chestnut coverÂ
Embedded Strong's Greek & Hebrew Dictionary Codes
LARGE PRINT Easy-to-Read 10.5-Pt. Typeface
Opaque 32 gsm Acid-Free European Bible Paper
Center-Column References
Extra Large 1" Margins for Easy Note-Taking
Extensive Concordance
Scripture Index to the writings of Ellen G. White for more commentary on those hard-to-understand texts
Basic Bible Studies in Q & A format, great for understanding many subjects such as salvation, etc.
Colored Maps and Charts
Special Introductions to the 66 Books of the Bible
The history between the Old & New Testaments
The Fourfold Gospel Narrative, harmonizing the four Gospels
Chronological Tables
Full-color sections are printed on gloss paper
Bible Book Index Markers - printed on the page edges
Three Satin Ribbons in a Complementary Color
The Leatherette Academy Study Bible Dimensions:
L 10 3/8" x W 7.75" x H 2"Â
Onyx Edition ISBN: 9780996311342
Sapphire Edition ISBN: 9780996311397
Chestnut Edition ISBN: 9780996311359
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The ALL NEW!! Custom Designed Genuine Top Grain Leather Carrying Case made for the Leatherette Academy Study Bible (NOT the Turkish Goatskin Academy Study Bibles)
East India Nappa Cowhide Carrying Case with Shoulder Strap and Zipper Compartments
La Misión Biblia de Estudios con Himnario - Azul
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El estuche de cuero para la Biblia ya está disponible. Desplácese hacia abajo para ver más detalles.
La Misión Biblia de Estudios es la unica Biblia, en Español, con commentarios de Elena G. de White y Himnario Adventista. - REINA VALERA GOMEZ
63 Libros de Elena G. de White usados en el commentario
Messenger Study Bible NKJV /w EGW Commentary - Oynx Black
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Leather Bible Case is now available. Please scroll down to see more details.
The Messenger is built upon the model of our other high-quality Ellen G. White study bibles such as The Mission Study Bible and The Academy Study Bible, with a high-opacity paper, a flexible binding, a consistent gold gilt, and environmentally friendly synthetic leather, which allows readers to enjoy the beautiful New King James Version in a bible designed to lasts. The Messenger Study bible has extensive Ellen G. White commentary, making it a valuable resource for a deeper devotional life in God’s word. Employing volume 7A of the Seventh-Day-Adventist Bible Commentary, selected passages from the Conflict of the Ages series, and various manuscripts, The Messenger Study Bible contains over 2,700 quotations from the Lord's Messenger. This extensive body of exegetical writings is collated throughout the Scriptures with relevant texts. In contrast to the typical double-column style bible, this single-column format creates an immersive, more natural, and comfortable narrative reading experience. With cross-references spaced in the left margin and the Spirit of Prophecy passages only a glance away directly beneath the text, the page layout affords economy of time and effort. This design provides readers with easily accessible study tools to deepen their knowledge of scripture, encouraging unhurried reflection upon the Word of God. The index is a bridge to over 38,000 additional commentary entries for individual verses. No other New King James Version Bible offers such comprehensive access to inspired commentary.Â
New King James Version
Extensive Ellen G. White commentary
Single-column layout for easy reading
Extensive cross-reference system
Clear and readable Lexicon font
Words of Jesus in red
Translator Notes
8x5 inches
Bible Concordance
Scripture Index to the writings of EGW
14 Full Color Maps
Typeset in Spacious 9.5 Lexicon No1 Font
Smyth-Sewn BindingÂ
Packaging: BoxÂ
Three Satin Fray-less Ribbon Markers
8 Blank pages of cardstock for personal notes or studies
Dimensions are:
L 9 2/8" x W 7" x D 2"
 ISBN 9781734678307
Bible Cases (Click on the image to purchase cases)
Messenger Study Bible NKJV w/ EGW Commentary - Sapphire Blue
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Leather Bible Case is now available. Please scroll down to see more details.
The Messenger is built upon the model of our other high-quality Ellen G. White study bibles such as The Mission Study Bible and The Academy Study Bible, with a high-opacity paper, a flexible binding, a consistent gold gilt, and environmentally friendly synthetic leather, which allows readers to enjoy the beautiful New King James Version in a bible designed to last. The Messenger Study bible has extensive Ellen G. White commentary, making it a valuable resource for a deeper devotional life in God’s word. Employing volume 7A of the Seventh-Day-Adventist Bible Commentary, selected passages from the Conflict of the Ages series, and various manuscripts, The Messenger Study Bible contains over 2,700 quotations from the Lord's Messenger. This extensive body of exegetical writings is collated throughout the Scriptures with relevant texts. In contrast to the typical double-column style bible, this single-column format creates an immersive, more natural, and comfortable narrative reading experience. With cross-references spaced in the left margin and the Spirit of Prophecy passages only a glance away directly beneath the text, the page layout affords economy of time and effort. This design provides readers with easily accessible study tools to deepen their knowledge of scripture, encouraging unhurried reflection upon the Word of God. The index is a bridge to over 38,000 additional commentary entries for individual verses. No other New King James Version Bible offers such comprehensive access to inspired commentary.Â
New King James Version
Extensive Ellen G. White commentary
Single-column layout for easy reading
Extensive cross-reference system
Clear and readable Lexicon font
Words of Jesus in red
Translator Notes
8x5 inches
Bible Concordance
Scripture Index to the writings of EGW
Colorful Maps, Charts, & Tables
Typeset in Spacious 9.5 Lexicon No1 Font
Smyth-Sewn BindingÂ
Packaging: BoxÂ
Three Satin Fray-less Ribbon Markers
8 Blank pages of cardstock for personal notes or studies
Dimensions are:
L 9 2/8" x W 7" x D 2"
 ISBN 9781734678314
Bible Cases (Click on the image to purchase cases)
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Inspire little minds with this playful five-book set of classic 3-D Bible stories! Each book is packed with colorfully illustrated pop-up scenes that will inspire your children with true stories that trump fiction. Take your youngsters on exciting Bible adventures with these epic storybooks. Their interactive, "pop-up" style will keep children delighted to hear these powerful stories over and over!
This exclusive set includes five classic engaging Bible stories:Â
*Noah's Ark, the boat that survived the Great Flood *Baby Jesus, a Savior is born! *David & Goliath, the brave boy who fought the giant *Fiery Furnace, three brave men who would not bow to idols *Queen Esther, a slave girl who became the Queen
 Dimensions of each book: 10.5" x 7.75 x .75"
Single books from this set are now available for purchase!Â
*Please add shipping insurance when choosing Media Mail shipping option.Â
Essential Collection - Set of 5 EGW Books
Essential Set
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The Essential Collection brings an updated look to some of the most profound Ellen G. White books. The original pagination can be found throughout the books, making it easy to find the correct references. The typeset has been beautifully designed to draw the reader in. This set was printed and bound in Italy in oxford cloth by one of Europe’s leading producers of high-quality books. Elegance meets inspiration!Â
KJV Scripture References
12-Point Large Font
Cloth-bound coversÂ
Smyth-sewn book blockÂ
Off-white Swedish paper*
Single ribbon in each bookÂ
Bottom page references
Sturdy, cloth slipcase
Cloth box to use on bookcase or night table
Fray resistant ribbons Â
(8.25 X 5.5) inches
14lbs Â
*Swedish tracing paper is made from eco-friendly abaca fibers which makes it more tear resistant than regular paper.
Highlighter (89375) 5-piece set - Accu-Liner/gel w/Micron Pen
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 The Accu-Liner Bible Marking Kit*Â
Bring your Bible study to life with this 5-piece Bible Accu-Liner/gel Highlighter Set. The non-bleeding, non-smearing gel highlighters and black Pigma micron pen provide the most accurate results, all in a silky, comfortable writing experience. Take your Bible study to the next level with this amazing set!
1 Note Pen / Underliner: - Black Pigma-Micron 01 Fine Point Pen
4 Accu-Gel Highlighters Colors:
~Pink ~ ~Blue ~ ~Green~ ~Yellow~
Benefits of Color Coding the Bible:
* Slows your reading down so that you see word relationships. * Helps trace ideas through a text more easily. * See an idea in its context more clearly. * Identify significant words. * Discover relationships between sentences, paragraphs, chapters, and Bible books. * Discover Biblical cross-references to other verses more easily. * Increases your ability to memorize and recall Biblical passages. * Helps you focus more on the Biblical text rather than commentaries. * Keeps you focused on verse-to-verse study rather than jumping around.
*Non-Returnable Item
NOTE: This item is not eligible for shipping with USPSÂ Media Mail.Â
Pen (30506) Set of 6 - Pigma 01 & 05 Point Bible Study Pen Kit
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The Go-To set for Bible study, note-taking, journaling, and scrapbooking. Micron is the fineliner standard that delivers precision.
Create precise marks that stand the test of time with these professional inking pens used by artists, illustrators, professionals, and educators.
Set includes 6 pens with 2 different tips including: Pigma Micron 01 – 0.25mm (black) & 05 – 0.45mm (yellow, blue, violet, light green, pink)
*Experience smooth, skip-free writing in crisp, rich archival ink that achieves consistent line widths that won’t smear, fade, feather, or bleed through most paper even Bible paper!
*Pigma Micron ink colors are derived from single pigment colors for color consistency.
*Chemical and fade resistant
*Quick drying
*pH neutral
*Nontoxic and approved by ACMI toxicologists
*Bears trusted AP Seal.
Benefits of Color Coding the Bible
* Slows your reading down so that you see word relationships * Helps trace ideas through a text more easily * See an idea in its context more clearly * Identify significant words * Discover relationships between sentences, paragraphs, chapters, and books of the Bible * Discover Biblical cross-references to other verses more easily * Increases your ability to memorize and recall Biblical passages * Helps you focus more on the Biblical text rather than commentaries * Keeps you focused on verse-to-verse study rather than jumping around
UPC 634989305063
NOTE: This item is not eligible for shipping with USPSÂ Media Mail.Â
La Misión Biblia de Estudio con Himnario - Tapa Dura
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El estuche de cuero para la Biblia ya está disponible. Desplácese hacia abajo para ver más detalles.
La Misión Biblia de Estudios es la unica Biblia, en Español, con commentarios de Elena G. de White y Himnario Adventista. REINA VALERA GOMEZ
*63 Libros de Elena G. de White usados en el commentario *Himnario Adventista (Edicion 1962) *Concordancia Tematica *Estudios Biblicos Esenciales *Mapas *Palabras de Cristo en Rojo *Introduccion a Libros *Imprimida en EuropaÂ
Messenger Study Bible NKJV w/ EGW Commentary - Cherry Red
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Leather Bible Case is now available. Please scroll down to see more details.
The Messenger is built upon the model of our other high-quality Ellen G. White study bibles such as The Mission Study Bible and The Academy Study Bible, with a high-opacity paper, a flexible binding, a consistent gold gilt, and environmentally friendly synthetic leather, which allows readers to enjoy the beautiful New King James Version in a bible designed to last. The Messenger Study bible has extensive Ellen G. White commentary, making it a valuable resource for a deeper devotional life in God’s word. Employing volume 7A of the Seventh-Day-Adventist Bible Commentary, selected passages from the Conflict of the Ages series, and various manuscripts, The Messenger Study Bible contains over 2,700 quotations from the Lord's Messenger. This extensive body of exegetical writings is collated throughout the Scriptures with relevant texts. In contrast to the typical double-column style bible, this single-column format creates an immersive, more natural, and comfortable narrative reading experience. With cross-references spaced in the left margin and the Spirit of Prophecy passages only a glance away directly beneath the text, the page layout affords economy of time and effort. This design provides readers with easily accessible study tools to deepen their knowledge of scripture, encouraging unhurried reflection upon the Word of God. The index is a bridge to over 38,000 additional commentary entries for individual verses. No other New King James Version Bible offers such comprehensive access to inspired commentary.Â
New King James Version
Extensive Ellen G. White commentary
Single-column layout for easy reading
Extensive cross-reference system
Clear and readable Lexicon font
Words of Jesus in red
Translator Notes
8x5 inches
Bible Concordance
Scripture Index to the writings of EGW
 Colorful Maps, Charts, & Tables
Typeset in Spacious 9.5 Lexicon No1 Font
Smyth-Sewn BindingÂ
Packaging: 2 - Piece Sturdy BoxÂ
Three Satin Fray-less Ribbon Markers
8 Blank pages of cardstock for personal notes or studies
The Bible's Dimensions:
L 9 2/8" x W 7" x D 2"
 ISBN 9781734678321
Bible Cases (Click on the image to purchase cases)
Bible Journey Comic Style Children's Bible Story Books
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Journey through the Bible for Preteens.....
The Illustrated Bible Journey is designed to give its readers a deeper insight and understanding of the Bible, not as a substitute for the Bible, but as a bridge for preteen and older readers to lead them to take an interest in reading the Bible itself. 149 stories written carefully to adhere to the original Bible in a more contemporary language that is used today, make the Bible easy to understand. At the beginning of each volume, there is a chronological timeline of the stories being shared in that book. A few pages of background details, including dates, places, and context are thoughtfully added to each story to demonstrate that the Bible is not a collection of fables, but a genuinely historical canon of events. Scripture references for the Bible stories appear on each and every page. As your child journeys through the Bible in an illustrated way that brings the Bible stories imaginatively to life as the artist intended, they cannot help but be inspired with a deeper love and appreciation for the word of God. Encourages quiet time and reading with pictures that tell the real story.. the most extraordinary story ever told! Â
*Graphically illustrated depictions of human altercations as revealed in the Bible may upset younger children. Age appropriate for 10 and up.Â
Book 1: The First PatriarchsÂ
1. Creation                               7. Sodom & Gomorrah
2. Adam & Eve                            8. Isaac
3. Cain & Abel                            9. Rebekah
4. The Ark of Noah                        10. Jacob
5. The Tower of Babel                      11. Jacob's Dream
6. Abraham                              12. Rachel
Book 2:Â Hebrew Heroes in EgyptÂ
1. Jacob Returns                           5. The Childhood of Moses
2. Joseph                                 6. Moses Runs Away
3. Pharoah's Dream                        7. A Tree on Fire
4. Joseph's Brothers                        8. Moses & Pharoah
                                         9. Plagues in Egypt
Book 3: The Great Exodus
1. The Glorious Exodus                     5. Leviticus
2. In the Desert                            6. Numbers
3. The Decalogue                          7. The Land of Milk & Honey
4. The Golden Calf                         8. The Promised Land
Book 4: Entering the Land of Canaan
1. Balaam and His Donkey                  6. Deborah
2. The Death of Moses                      7. The Trumpet of Gideon
3. The Conquest of Canaan                  8. Achievement of Promise
4. Achievement of Promise                  9. Jephthah and His Daughter
5. Ehud                                  10. Samson
          Book 5: Birth of the Kingdom
1. Samson's Revenge                       5. David
2. Ruth                                   6. David & Goliath
3. Samuel                                 7. David, a Fugitive
4. Saul, the First King
BOOK 6: The Glorious Kingdom
1. Saul & David                            3. Kings of IsraelÂ
2. David, the King                          4. Elijah Â
3.  Solomon, Wise King
BOOK 7: Prophets & Divided Kingdom
1. Elijah                                   4. Jonah
2. Elijah Taken to Heaven                    5. Amos
3. Elisha                                   6. Hosea Â
BOOK 8: Destruction & the CaptivityÂ
1. Hosea                                   3. Ezekiel
2. Isaiah                                   4. Daniel
3. Jeremiah Â
BOOK 9: Return from the CaptivityÂ
1. Daniel                                  6. The Other Prophets
2. Ezra                                    7. Psalms
3. Nehemiah                               8. Proverbs
4. Esther                                  9. The Book of Ecclesiastes,
5. Job                                       The Song of Solomon
BOOK 10: The Messiah Is Born
Chapter One: The Birth of Jesus
Chapter Two: Before His Public Service
Chapter Three: Preaching the Gospel of the Heavenly KingdomÂ
BOOK 11:
37 Stories of The Ministry of Jesus
BOOK 12:
43 Stories of The Apostles, At & After the Cross