Eight bold no-bleed-through highlighting colors in one amazing pencil barrel:
2.0mm lead diameter produces bold lines of consistent density. Great for highlighting high cotton or linen fiber paper such as bibles, encyclopedias, and dictionaries. The best part is that no sharpening is required! Refillable with Pentel CH2 lead.
Benefits of Color Coding the Bible
* Slows your reading down so that you see word relationships
* Helps trace ideas through a text more easily
* See an idea in its context more clearly
* Identify significant words
* Discover relationships between sentences, paragraphs, chapters, and books of the Bible
* Discover Biblical cross-references to other verses more easily
* Increases your ability to memorize and recall Biblical passages
* Helps you focus more on the Biblical text rather than commentaries
* Keeps you focused on verse-to-verse study rather than jumping around
UPC 72512006221