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If you have been trying to decide on the right study Bible to make an investment in, you have come to the right place. Choosing a Bible is one of the most important decisions you can make in your life! We published the first EGW commentary Bibles back in the late 1990's and take special delight in making them more of a delight for you, the customer, with each passing year. Every Bible has been carefully designed with beauty and function in mind to include features that will greatly enhance your study of God's word. Now that you have several different options to choose from, we want to help you understand what makes each one of them special and unique. All of our Bibles use the Spirit of Prophecy commentary to add clarity to God's word. This commentary, provided by a person who is considered to be the most translated female non-fiction author in the history of literature, as well as the most translated American non-fiction author of either gender, will enhance any serious Bible student's search for truth. It might be best compared to the use of a magnifying glass bringing ambient light to the pages of the Holy Scriptures. Each of our Bibles are unique and have different features, and yet they share common features as well, which might make it hard to decide. We are here to help!  

GET THE OVERVIEW: The first step is to go to our homepage and scroll down to the handy "Bible Features Comparison Chart" which will list all of our Bibles with their primary similarities and differences clearly defined. You can decide what combination of features are most important to you and identify the Bible that best fits your needs.

THE RIGHT SIZE: The Academy Study Bible, which has the Hebrew & Greek Dictionaries, is a larger tome, outweighing our other Bibles by 2 lbs. It has a larger profile than the Mission and Messenger NKJV Study Bibles. The Academy is the perfect Bible for home study. It includes wider margins for note taking, and features the Hebrew & Greek Dictionaries with linking codes appearing throughout the Bible text. It is bountifully packed with special features that are enumerated on the product page. The Mission Study Bible is a more standard, portable size, weighing around 3 lbs. Both the Academy and the Mission Study Bibles have an easy-on-the eyes large print 10.5 font bold face. Unique features you will not find in other study Bibles on the market are specified on the product description page. The Messenger is a New King James version with EGW Commentary 7a that has a spacious, contemporary design with one column of print per page. It has many similar features as the Mission and the Academy, and has a few colorful maps in the back. The print size is standard 9.5 pt. The Spanish Mission Study Bible has everything that the English version of the Mission Study Bible has, with the addition of the SDA Hymnal!


Author: Ellen Gould White
Description: Volume 7a: includes all the Ellen White quotations included as supplementary material in the seven volumes of the S.D.A. Bible Commentary, plus the Ellen White statements in Questions on Doctrine on Christ's nature, the Trinity, and the Atonement. It has 488 pages, and was originally published in 1970. The Academy Study Bible features the EGW Bible Commentary 7a. The NKJV Messenger Study Bible and The Mission Study Bible have EGW Bible Commentary 7a PLUS other commentary from 63 different EGW books, totaling  2,700+ EGW quotes!

NARROWING IT DOWN: The next step is to go to the Bible collections page where you can view each of the Bibles in more detail. Choose the two Bibles that you are the most interested in, and take a long look at all the features in bullet form. You may also take a look at the photo galleries of each product, located on the product page of the Bibles to see what the product looks like in more detail and to see all the color and material options. 

THE RIGHT PRICE: You really want to try to get the best Bible for your needs, but sometimes that extra $20 - 40 might make or break the deal. The Academy Study Bible is more expensive than the Mission Study Bible or the Messenger NKJV study Bible. 

THE RIGHT VERSION: We now have a NKJV Bible with all of the EGW commentary that our Mission Study Bible has, and that is the NKJV Messenger Study Bible. It is beautifully designed with one column of text per page. Our Academy Study Bible, Mission Study Bible, and Spanish Mission Study Bibles are available in Authorized KJV. 

INVEST IN THE BIBLE OF YOUR CHOICE: Once your desired Bible has been selected, you may now be ready to choose any Bible Accessories you need (Bible case, highlighter pens, magnifying dome, index tabs, under liner pens, clear bendable rulers, etc.) from our webstore. They make studying the Bible so much more exciting, bringing a special and colorful touch into your study with more personalized references, chain link Bible studies, and notes! We encourage you to invest in a Bible carrying case with zipper to extend the life of your Bible. We encourage you to try our non smearing Accu-liner Highlighter pens. We highly recommend purchasing with your Academy Study Bible the Magnifiers, which is very useful for viewing the smaller Hebrew & Greek codes located throughout the Academy Study Bible as well as for viewing the smaller EGW commentary print appearing in all of our Academy, Mission, and Messenger study Bibles. 

IF IT IS NOT WHAT YOU EXPECTED: Don't worry. You can return any OAP Bible for a refund (there will be a 15% restocking fee for unboxed product) within 30 days. We want you to be happy with your choice! You may read more about our return policies by clicking on the "Refund Policy" link at the footer of any page on our website. 

IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS: Please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Our email address is

-updated 10 Aug 2024