Outside the Gate by Beatrice Neall Children's Story


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This acclaimed children's story is an allegory featuring Yeled and Yalda, who dwell in the Royal Palace of the Heavenly King, and His "Lamb," Arnion. Yeled and Yalda cherish their exquisite home until the feared Drakon "Dragon" encourages them to look in a mirror at their charm... then they find themselves enticed away and locked in the Polluted Land without escape! Fortunately, they are met with the Heavenly King's Arnion's immense love for them, and He liberates them from their prison of distress and readies them to become heralds of His saving love for others trapped in the contaminated land. To strengthen the spiritual lessons, the book contains interactive coloring pages, activities, music suggestions, and discussion pages!

 ISBN 9780812701265

Copyright 2011

Beatrice Neall served as a college professor, an editor, and a missionary to Cambodia, Vietnam, and Singapore. She and her husband Ralph are retired and living in Collegedale, TN.

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Outside the Gate by Beatrice Neall Children's Story
Outside the Gate by Beatrice Neall Children's Story
Outside the Gate by Beatrice Neall Children's Story
Outside the Gate by Beatrice Neall Children's Story